Our team of equine orthopaedic veterinarians travel worldwide for pre-purchase examinations and orthopaedic care of top-level equine athletes. But we also offer our clients the possibility to evaluate their horses in a professional environment in our examination and treatment centre, the Sport Horse Clinic Belgium, in Lille. This location, in the centre of Belgium and Europe, is easily accessible from any place.
Your horse will be stabled in a modern, comfortable stable where our team of grooms, riders, blacksmiths and physiotherapists will ensure your horse receives the best possible care during its stay in the clinic. On site, our vets will assess complex cases all together to bring you the solution you were looking for. You can also decide to extend the stay of your horse at SHC Belgium for the rehabilitation process where we will bring him back to work and rebuild his fitness under the supervision of our whole team.
Our experienced equine orthopaedic veterinarians will take care of you and your horse

Feel free to contact us for information or appointment:
info@shcbelgium.com +32 496 50 96 94